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Pavol Lupták is a cryptoanarchist and voluntaryist focused on technology and society hacking. He has started the initiative 'We do not work for the government' ( grouping of all companies in Slovakia and Czech Republic that have decided not to work for the government and state institutions. He is also a member of the famous Czech contemporary art group Ztohoven ( responsible for many anti-government contemporary 'media sculpture' projects. He is a co-founder of Progressbar hackerspace ( in Bratislava and Parallel Polis ( hackerspaces in Prague where he is responsible for organizing the international cryptoanarchist conference (, IT security and digital privacy. He is an owner of IT security company Nethemba s.r.o and Nethemba GmbH ( focused on penetration tests & ethical hacking. He holds many prestigious security certifications. Now he is starting another company Satori s.r.o. ( focused on creation of digital contemporary art based on the corporate identity.

Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis 2014

Hackers Congress Paralelni Polis aims to open basic topics that will be pivotal content of the Cryptoanarchy Institute. The main motives will be projected to the whole concept of Paralelni Polis. Congress program will feature lectures of guests like Mark Palatina (aka Slush) and Paul Rusnak (aka Stick) of Satoshi Labs, Alain Bieber (rebel: art, DE), Bastien Beaufort (CRED Fr.), prof. Josef Sima (CEVRO Institut) or Josef Prusa (3D print).

Main topics of the congress:
1. Cryptocurrencies, free market and parallel economies
2. Cryptoanarchy and other concepts for developing free society
3. Political art
4. Open source, 3D print, copyrightRead More »Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis 2014

Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis 2014

Cílem kongresu je otevřít základní témata, která budou základním obsahem programu Institutu kryptoanarchie a jejich motivy se budou promítat do celého konceptu Paralelní polis. Na kongres přijaly pozvání osobnosti spřízněné s těmito tématy, které ztělesňují progres ve svých oborech.

Hlavní témata kongresu:
1. Bitcoin a jiné kryptoměny, svobodný trh a paralelní ekonomika
2. Kryptoanarchie a jiné koncepce pro rozvoj svobodné společnosti, ochrana soukromí
3. Politické umění
4. Open source, 3D print, copyright

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