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Program Hackerského Kongresu Paralelní Polis 2014

Aktualizovaný program kongresu HCPP 2014. Veškeré další informace budou k dispozici na infodesku po celou dobu kongresu, popř. na e-mail:

Pátek 10. 10. 2014

Začátek Prostor Přednášející Název přednášky
13:30 HUB Josef Šíma (CZ) Anarchy, Economics and Freedom (EN)
A long tradition of scholarly work is focused on how viable is social organization based on freedom and voluntary associations. A persuasive argument can be made in favor of a claim that private provision of quality goods and services is not limited to cars, computers and other “normal” stuff, but can be extended to justify private, non-coersive, provision of schools, culture, money and law.
15:00 Institut Petr Boháček (CZ) Chinese Cyber Espionage and US Cyber Defense  (EN)
The post-Cold War unilateral world order is changing towards a multilateral one, with new unconventional security threats that require unconventional solutions. What are the main security issues in the world and how do we need to worry about? From Chinese cyber espionage, the ISIS, Ebola and North Africa to Ukraine and Europe
16:00 HUB Stick (SK) History of hacking in Czechoslovakia (EN)
History of hacking in Czechoslovakia since 1990s until present days. We’ll describe the greatest hacks and hackers’ groups and how they influenced the society. Nostalgic talk or some, lots of new info for the others.
17:00 Institut Josef Průša (CZ) 3D print as a tool for social change (EN)
What changes can cause the 3D printers that print themselves in society? Using examples from the Open Source community RepRap project, we will show the possible impacts.
18:00 HUB Nikola Schmidt (CZ) Cyber war theorization and securitization by state (EN)
The question whether cyber war either exists or is just a part of any other already known analyzed operations has been a headache of academic scholars for some decades already. Some argue that cyberwar may be a full-scale war between states, whereas the others are criticizing such policy securitization as exaggerated. However, recent experience shows that we might look at the cyberwar as a component of deep, complex and protracted hybrid conflict and that we should focus on evaluation of its real and objective impacts to the wide strategy thinking.
19:00 Institut Joerg Platzer (GE) Behind enemy lines – About having a chat in Mordor (EN)
Governments, cops and secret service people
20:00 HUB Ben Parry andPeter McCaughey (UK) Hacking Place – Hijacking People (EN)
At the nexus of art, urbanism and social activism is a rethinking of cities from the bottom-up, part of a do-it-yourself approach linking interventionist artists with user-generated transformations of everyday life. Cultural Hijack explores the work of artists who intervene to reclaim the right to the city as a site for free expression and critical engagement; understanding social space in political terms. These experimental practices open up spaces for the formation of new political subjectivities, social interactions and experiments in democracy that transform our understanding of how we might re-imagine the cities of the future by challenging neoliberal cities of the present – as those shaped by the logic of the market.
21:00 Institut Smuggler Cryptographic Artefacts (EN)
Reflection on the reasons why we fight and why that matters for what we create.
21:00 HUB Richard Ďurana (SK) Intellectual Property or Intellectual Monopoly? (EN)
Traditionally accepted perception says IP rights enhance innovation and creativity. Yet both theory and empirical evidence do not confirm this premise. On the contrary, it just another scheme of redistribution and rent-seeking hindering technological and cultural development.
22:00 Afterparty – Cirk La Putyka – Holešovická Tržnice – Hala 78

Sobota 11. 10. 2014

Začátek Prostor Přednášející Název přednášky
11:00 Institut Zuzana Ďuračinská (CZ) Cyber security (EN)
How CSIRT/CERT team operates
12:00 HUB PavelZbytovský (CZ) Drones, quadcopters and law (EN)
We will summarize the current technical possibilities and costs, outline the flight restrictions defined by Civil Aviation Authority. We will try to look a little into the future and of course spin the machines.
13:00 Institut Frank Braun Secure Messaging – open challenges and its relevance for Paralelní Polis (EN)
More than 25 years ago the email encryption software Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) was released. The open-source reimplementation GnuPG is still the predominant message encryption solution today. But its usage is still quite uncommon and most emails are sent unencrypted. In this presentation I will give an overview about open challenges in secure messaging: from a design, implementation, and usability standpoint. Furthermore, I will motivate why secure messaging (i.e., asynchronous, encrypted and anonymous messaging) is a fundamental building block for a Paralelní Polis.
14:00 HUB Pavol Draxler (SK) Hackovanie politického systému (SK)
Príhody a skúsenosti z hackovania politických systémov na Slovensku, Srbsku, Ukraine a Bielorusku.
15:00 Institut Jan Ritsema (FR) Robin Hood Minor Asset Management Cooperative: a hungry poetical-financial parasite (EN)
Robin Hood is a project taking place in the midst of the marvels of financial economy and crises of Europe, when the precariousness of immaterial labour defines our every day, semiocapitalism exercises its arbitrary power and forces us to continuously exploit ourselves and our friends while cynicism, depression and detachment form others havebecome important means of our survival. There is no heroism in the exhaustion and disillusionment we are experiencing. We have difficulties in believing what is happening to us, because nothing seems to happen. We are tired of being ourselves because the self-evidendies of our lives don’t work anymore. We know they don’t, even if we still try to pretend that they do. We need a reinvention of ourselves, but have no strength or appeal for it. That is why we all sound like déjà vu. The realm of possible at our disposal is exhausted. akseli virtanen, president
16:00 HUB Igor Cibula (SK) Paralelná tajná služba na Slovensku v rokoch vlády V. Mečiara (1995-1998) (SK)
Čo podnietilo vznik paralelnej spravodajskej služby na Slovensku, ktorá pôsobila v období 1995-1998 po únose prezidentovho syna M. Kováča ml.?Ako sa formovala a fungovala paralelná spravodajská štruktúra (1995-1998)?

Aké bolo personálne zázemie paralelnej tajnej služby, význam spolupráce s investigatívnymi novinármi pre efektívne využívanie informačnej produkcie paralelných spravodajských štruktúr, význam paralelnej tajnej služby pre protimečiarovskú opozíciu?

17:00 Institut Pavol Lupták (SK) FinFisher – top government spying (EN)
On 09/15/2014, Wikileaks published information that Slovak Republic has purchased 39 licenses of FinFisher software for more than 5 million EUR. According to the leaked information, it is not entirely clear whether Slovak or Czech Republic has bought this software. Neither of them relevantly responded and considered this information to be false. FinFisher developed by Gamma International was and is used by totalitarian governments of different countries for spying and monitoring dissidents and political opposition. FinFisher is extremely effective software because it uses 0-day vulnerabilities where no security patches are available. The goal of this presentation is to demonstrate technical capabilities of FinFisher, what vulnerabilities are typically used to infect the users and their systems, as well as to thinkabout the economic model and its society impact to the privacy of all citizens.
18:00 HUB MarekPalatinus (CZ) Bitcoin v practice (EN)
In this presentation Marek Palatinus (aka slush) will talk about what is the current situation and how it looks with using bitcoins in practise.
19:00 Institut Ben Parry (UK) vs Pavol Lupták (SK) Panel Session – Hacktivism – searching for parallels between world of Art and IT
Diverse nature of the interventions as a way of redefining the world in which we live.
19:00 Basement Jan Hrdlička Sphero Maze
Sphero Maze: presentation and discussion with author
20:00 HUB Wireless Warrior Wireless Security: Government Threat Models and Solutions (EN)
Commercial and consumer wireless is focused on standards emphasizing cost, speed and interoperability. Security provisions, if any, are implemented at higher layers affording no protection from government monitoring which highly values traffic analysis. Conversely, secure military and intel gear pays careful attention to this, especially at the PHY layer, by using proprietary methods. Until recently the cost to implement such levels of protection were beyond most individuals but with the advent of Software Defined Radio this has all changed. The presentation will review some of the publicly known capabilities of government monitoring and the practicality of defeating them.
20:00 Institut Alfredo N. Bitcoin / Altcoin
markets & mining
21:00 Institut BarneyFrancis (UK) Boundaries which shape our society (EN)
It is important to understand how the boundaries which shape our society are constructed and how these boundaries are applied, interpreted and discussed in institutional and political spheres but importantly within social and public realms.The first rule of guerilla warfare is to know the terrain and use it to your advantage. The political topography of today includes the ephemeral ground of signs and symbols, images and expression, narratives and dreams. This is the terrain of artistic activism. As insurgent arts activists, we aim to change certain things in society – to work towards an end, therefore the boundaries that construct our society may need to be transgressed in order to foster new dialogues to understand their shortcomings. Consequently, our team focuses on a variety of social problems, and our practice encompasses different approaches through partnerships with non-arts organisations. The most important part of our process is to work with others to facilitate shared learning and self education using Upper Space as a platform.Upper Space is focussed on promoting alternative ideas and perceptions of public space at a time when its democracy is highly contested.
20:30- 22:00 Basement Zachraňme jídlo krájecí Disco Party -společné krájení zeleniny na příští den v rytmu disca

Safe the food – cutting Disco Party –

Common vegetables cutting for next day lunch in disco rhythm

22:00 Afterparty – Cirk La Putyka – Holešovická Tržnice – Hala 78

Neděle 12. 10. 2014

Začátek Prostor Přednášející Název přednášky
11:00 Institut Frederick Malouf (AUS) The Endgame of Bitcoin (video and skype) (EN)
Bitcoin is going to change the way we accept, and perceive how we use money. It’s depths are far more profound than a commodity to speculate on. Frederick will present what the final endgame of Bitcoin is, and that he believes it was designed this way in its inception: that no quantitative exchange model can measure our innate human nature to create quality.
11:00 HUB Juraj Bednár (SK) Liberty as a DYI Project (video and skype) (SK)
Dennodenne čítame informácie o tom ako je naša sloboda obmedzovaná. Málokto si však uvedomuje, že to ako slobodne sa človek cíti a aké má možnosti z veľkej miery závisí od toho, ako človek žije a čo robí a nerobí. V prednáške Liberty is a DIY Project Juraj stručne prejde niektorými “zlepšovákmi”, ktoré môžu zlepšiť váš pocit slobody a snáď pomôže k vnútornej transformácii. Tieto veci nie sú iba informáciami, sú svedectvom o fungujúcich nástrojoch na výrazné zlepšenie života.
12:00 HUB Aleš Nohel (SK) Seasteading
What is Seasteading? Role of The Seasteading Institute. Eight moral imperatives of The Seasteading Institute. What is new in seasteading and with the Seasteading Institute. Opportunity for change (how to get involved).
13:00 Institut Juraj Kubica (SK) How to disconnect from grid and produce sustainable energy (EN)
Annotation: Most of us use central distribution of heat and electrical power, and we pay bills to big utility companies. With distributed generation, everybody can disconnect and produce renewable energy in a sustainable way. Juraj Kubica, PhD. will show, how to start with minimal costs and save your money. He is expert in renewable energy sources and energy policy and he works on implementation of this scheme in Slovak Republic.
14:00 HUB Bastien Beaufort (FR) Tropical plant fair trade with the Amazon rainforest and global Disco Soupe anti-food waste war: glimpses of two actions from the Slow Food philosophy (EN)
This conference aims to present two case studies that are part oft the Slow Food movement “glocal” actions for a “good, clean and fair food for everyone”. Our two examples are radically distant in space and started at different moments in time. The first one is the construction of an international fair trade project around an emblematic product of the Amazonian cultural biodiversity: the /guaraná /plant (Paullinia cupana /Sorbilis/). The “Guaraná Project” started in 1995 between a French company, Guayapi, and an indigenous tribe, the Sateré Mawé people, and has been highlighted as a Presidium by the Slow Food movement. The second case study will present the “Disco Soupe”, a global and dancing movement against food waste that started in 2012 in Berlin, Germany. Thanks to the energy of the Slow Food Youth Network, these events, after a strong replication in France, are now global and take place on the four continents. The presentation will demonstrate the urgent need to continue and strengthen these two ambitious projects and the necessity for them to be sustained by new policies that takes their roots into the Slow Food movement philosophy.
15:00 Institut Jindřich Raftl (CZ) Biomorfní struktury (CZ)
Biomorfní struktury umožňují díky rozmachu moderních technologií aplikovat biologický výzkum do oblasti současného umění, designu a architektury. Toto doposud nepříliš probádané interdisciplinární odvětví přejímá přírodní matematické principy a aplikuje je na vznik nových forem. Prezentace představí koncepty futuristické biosyntetické čističky vody a biohackingu.
16:00 HUB Lucie Straková a MartinLoučka (CZ) Creative commons – Open source (EN)
On the way to public licensing: Creative Commons, their structure and changes in version 4.0. The presentation will be focused on both general topics, covering the historical development of intellectual property law, public licensing and free culture movement (in concreto why is public licensing important and how does it interfere with the IP law “mainstream”), and specific questions concerning Creative Commons – what it is, what it is not and current topics connected to the last version (4.0), e.g. collective right management.
17:00 Institut PetrKindlmann (CZ) Ideje a vzkazy cypherpunkerů ukryté v Bytecoinu (CZ)
Krátký referát ohledně zpráv, vzkazů a hádanek, které cypherpunkeři ukryli do blockchainu anonymní kryptoměny Bytecoin.