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Welcome, digital nomads!

We are proud to welcome a lot of new #paperhubsters this summer – digital nomads, freelancers working from all around the world. At this occasion, we also grilled them a little bit to gain an valuable feedback and comparison with foreign coworking centres.

Three Paper Hub members shared their impressions with us – Nkoli, Lisa and Gili. All from a totally different field of business and with different experience with bitcoins.  What actually interested them about Paper Hub? Definitely an interesting design and a unique cryptocurriences-only concept. They also evaluate positively an informal and friendly atmosphere in our paper office. In comparison to foreign coworking spaces they see an opportunity for progress in buying a higher-quality and more comfortable furniture and prolonging of opening hours because digital nomads often work for companies from different time zones.

We were also curious about their experience with bitcoins and what exactly motivated them to use it. For Gili Gershonok, a marketing specialist, it was a kind of crazy experiment that finally changed to 100 % cryptocurrency functioning. Apart from the experiment she also wanted to take control over her finances and not to only blindly rely on banks and financial institutions. You can find out more about her inspirative experience with bitcoin at this Bitcoin meetup Being digital crypto-nomad or in her acticle I switched everything to bitcoin. What happened next may not surprise you.

An editor Nkoli Ukpabi started to use bitcoin as an alternative to bank payments from Korea to USA, which were connected with high fees. Bitcoin helped her to lower the costs connected with international financial transfers. In comparison with foreign countries Nkoli liked the strong Czech crypto-community the most. She didn’t find out such enthusiasts in any other place all around the world. Not even in so technologies-based countries like Japan or Korea.

A coach Lisa Vunk gained her first experience with bitcoin in coworking centre in Bali where she lives and works for most time of the year. Bitcoin was an interesting solution for her mostly during travelling so she doesn’t have to exchange to local currencies.

Our Paper Hub team thanks our digital nomads for visiting Paralelní Polis and we all wish them a lot of success and nice experiences during their travels!